Tag Archives: glitter polish

Almost Forgot About My Daily Blogging Already!

So. I just realized that I haven’t blogged today, although I guess technically my NYE blog should count because I posted it after midnight.
Today has been a day of chilling with the teenagers and spending a ridiculous amount of time painting my nails due to boredom. I also let my 16 year old daughter and my adult step daughter go “shopping” in my makeup collection. They each took several eye shadow palettes, mascara, eyeliner, lipstick and blush that I had picked up during holiday sales. Makeup makes me happy, and I love extending that happiness to my female family members. I think my makeup addiction is starting to rub off on the two of them.

The teenagers are watching some disturbing teenage show on netflix that used to air on MTV (I think), It’s called “The Hard Times of RJ Berger”. Is it inappropriate? Yes. Am I still watching it with them? For reasons unknown…yes.

I don’t have a lot to say tonight for some reason. I think I am just enjoying the day. Nothing pressing to do. Tomorrow I have to package and ship a few items that sold on eBay over the weekend but that’s it!

I am seriously considering starting my YouTube vlogs soon. I have my eyes on a camcorder but I haven’t quite made the commitment yet. What do you think? Should I do it? Any advice on choosing a camcorder? Which one do you use if you vlog? Here are pics of the nails I just did. They are still a little messy as I haven’t wiped the mistakes off yet. (I coat my skin with Aquaphor before painting so if I get polish on my skin, it will wipe right off) I just haven’t moved from my chair since I started painting them. I realllllly like the chunky glitter nails and am thinking about doing all 10 nails in that polish. Should I?



Ignore the teenager in the background (on the couch) and the shoes/other random teenager items on the floor please. Bye!