Tag Archives: central sleep apnea

Sleeping For Days…

Wow, sorry about not writing for a few days. I have been sleeping almost the WHOLE time, not kidding. Only barely waking to take and retrieve my teenager to and from school. I guees I have been paying back the “sleep debt” my body has from going so long with untreated Central and Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
I started cpap therapy the first part of November and it’s been a rough road for sure. My machine is actually an Adaptive Servo-Ventillator. (ASV)  Unlike straight cpap, or bipap even, the ASV memorizes my breathing patterns and when I don’t breathe when it thinks I should, it breathes for me. It has taken me from 97 apneas an hour to around 6 an hour each night I use it. So my body is finally getting some actual rest and I guess it just wants more and more.
And that is why I haven’t been posting. But I’m baaaaack! (hopefullly).  Be sure to read my other posts to catch up, if you haven’t already. More in a lil bit!!!